Structural Integration

Creating long term changes

ATR Health strives to create long term changes in our clients rather than just chasing symptoms.

By addressing the 3 pillars of health, Structural, biochemical and emotional. We can achieve the best outcome, in a more tailored approach.

Gentle and non invasive

The techniques we use are very gentle and non invasive, there is no manipulation or forceful movements. We work on not only the musculo-skeletal framework, but also the fascia, nerves, ligaments and tendons.

By addressing the whole body, we can return balance, correct posture, prevent re-injury and most importantly significantly reduce pain.

I went to the ATR Health after seventeen years of chronic back pain which I was seeing a chiropractor for. Even after the first treatment at ATR Health the amount of relief I felt was amazing. I would highly recommend this to everyone. I regularly get all my family checked here and they have never felt better.
- Kathy, book keeper, Nelson

Balances the nervous system

The various techniques we use, balance the nervous system. Scientific studies have shown that the nervous system controls 80%-90% of our bodies systems. Suffering from stress, pain, lack of sleep and low energy, constantly in the flight or fight response. This all takes its toll on the body and especially the muscles, fascia, nerves and adrenal glands.

Balancing both the structure and the nervous system, enables the body to heal and give you back the life you deserve.

What People Say

"Before meeting Caroline, my husband and I had been trying for a baby for 3 years, during which time I had suffered four miscarriages... I am now 6 months into my pregnancy and my baby is healthy and growing well"

"I feel better than I have for longer than I can remember, and the flexibility that has been returned to my knees, hips and ankles is wonderful"

"When you first suggested a course of treatment I was in two minds, as I had tried everything... After the first treatment the improvement was just as you had predicted, after the second the pain was substantially reduced and I was walking normally."

"I still can't believe how effective the treatment has been, it has allowed me to get my life back."

"Amazing, almost unbelievable, after the first session I was able to walk without my walker. I feel like my recovery has just began"

"After the first few sessions, the spasms and pins and needles had gone. I have so much more motivation now and feel happier and healthier"

"Thank you for treating my daughter yesterday. She is a completely different girl today! She woke with energy, joy and clarity. I have not seen this in her for 4 years, can't thank you enough for everything you do."

Why choose ATR Health?

  • We take a holistic approach to achieve optimum results. Taking into consideration, posture, occupational obligations, previous injuries and any relevant genetic conditions. These insights help us to design a tailored health plan, to effectively treat the area of pain, and prevent re-injury in the future.
  • ATR Health offers a safer more natural approach to significantly reduce pain.
  • Caroline Morgan is committed to a high standard of treatment.  Ensuring that she is able to offer the most up-to date, evidence-based interventions to improve health outcomes.
  • Structural integration, fascial work and Kinesiology is so gentle, it can be used on newborn babies. Helping restore balance, especially after a difficult birth. The techniques we use are effective on young children and teenagers. Helping restore their health physically, emotionally and biochemically. Moving further along the lifespan, structural integration is incredibly useful for helping frailer individuals to increase muscle strength, energy and stability, reducing the chance of falls.
  • TMJ Dysfunction One of the most common problems we treat is dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. This can go back as far as birth, injuries to the cranium (concussions), dentistry (removal of teeth). Braces or bruxism (being the most common). When we suffer stress, anxiety... The fight or flight response occurs. In our modern world, this response is constant! Resulting in clenching of the jaw at night and during the day. TMJ Dysfunction can have a cascade effect, causing other imbalances in the body, migraines, neck/shoulder Pain, sciatica, back/hip pain to name a few. Balancing the TMJ and other effected cranial bones is vital to your overall health.