Bowen Therapy/Kinesiology for Infants

Effective, non invasive form of therapy for babies using no manipulation

I have been working with infants and young children for over 20 years, babies are very receptive to The Bowen Techniques gentle and subtle approach as their bodies are used to getting new information all the time.

I use Specialised Kinesiology in conjunction with structural work. This enables me to balance the whole autonomic nervous system, cranial imbalances and any gut issues/allergies. It gives us more context to why these imbalances have occurred and a comprehensive solution to maintain long lasting change.


A gentle approach

Baby receiving bowne therapy

A difficult birth or pregnancy can cause the nervous system to become unbalanced. This can effect the overall structure, cause digestive issues, effect sleep patterns and primitive/postural reflexes. By addressing all aspects of health, we can restore the balance to the nervous system, correct movement patterns and give your baby a great start in life.


What we treat

  • Colic (Internal discomfort, such as wind, bloated tummy, straining, digestive issues)
  • Unresolved physical issues due to a prolonged or difficult birth
  • Primitive and Postural reflexes
  • Overloaded nervous system (unsettled, fast delivery, startled by sudden movement or loud noises...)
  • Misalignment (neck torsion, difficulty feeding, generally uncomfortable, posterior birth, forceps, suction/vacuum extraction delivery..)
  • Reflux (relieving the symptoms of reflux, aiding digestion..)
  • Sleep issues

Call Caroline for more information

Bowen Therapy can make a profound difference to your babies health and your own well being and piece of mind.